Rezoning the R-2 residential parcel to R-3 is inconsistent with the Town Comprehensive Plans and zoning codes.The approval of the application to rezone the property from R-2 to R-3 is inconsistent with the 2002 and 2017 Comprehensive Plans of the Town of DeWitt. These Plans involved years of study and consideration of the interests of all of the residents of the Town, not just the interest of the developer of a single lot, which has always been zoned residential.  People have resided in the Jonathan Craig Estates and DeWitt Acres neighborhoods for decades relying upon the commitment of the Town to the preservation of these traditional neighborhoods, which are among the oldest neighborhoods in the Town.

In 2002 the Town produced a Comprehensive Plan, which included as a planning principal that the "quality of older neighborhoods be maintained and strengthened to insure that they remain attractive to homeowners." (page I-3)

The section of the 2002 Comprehensive Plan addressing housing states as one of its Goals the maintenance of owner-occupancy as the prevailing form of tenancy. (page III-5)

In Neighborhood Character, the 2002 Comprehensive Plan finds "DeWitt's residential neighborhoods comprise one of its strongest assets. In most cases, the neighborhoods are identifiable with distinct boundaries and signature architecture styles that provide continuity and create tradition." (page III-5)

In Residential Development: Traditional, the 2002 Comprehensive Plan concludes that "Planning concerns in traditional residential areas include the need to maintain the historic character of various neighborhoods, encourage sensitive and compatible development on the few lots that remain available ... " (page IV-2)

The 2017 DeWitt Comprehensive Plan reaffirms the commitment of the 2002 Comprehensive Plan to continue to support and encourage traditional housing, and further states as a goal to "prevent the intrusion of conflicting land uses into residential neighborhoods." (page 17).

The 2017 Plan further notes in the Town "Housing is predominantly single-family owner-occupied in a variety of styles and price ranges", and "It is the Town's policy to maintain and preserve patterns of residential development, particularly single family homes" with the Goal to "Maintain owner-occupancy as the prevailing form of tenancy." (page 16).

The 2017 Plan concludes that "Planning concerns in traditional residential areas include the need to maintain the historic character of various neighborhoods, encourage sensitive and compatible development." (pages 21 and 22)

Building a 144 unit four story apartment building in a residential neighborhood is inconsistent with the commitment the Town of DeWitt has made over decades to preserve traditional neighbohoods.